Ranking of the Philippines in various Indexes

Global Startup Ecosystem Report (GSER)

The GSER was created by Startup Genome to study and rank start-up ecosystems around the world since 2012. The report studies over 270 ecosystems with a ranking of the top 30 and 10 runner-up ecosystems. In addition, it has a top 100 of ranking of emerging ecosystems.

YearCityRankingPerformanceFundingMarket ReachTalent
2020Manila31 – 4053107

Scoring System: 10 is the highest while 1 is the lowest.

Smart City Index (SCI)

The SCI is a ranking created by The Institute for Management Development, in collaboration with Singapore University for Technology and Design (SUTD). The Index assesses the perceptions of residents on issues related to structures and technology application available to them in their city. The Structures pillar referring to the existing infrastructure of the cities, and the Technology pillar describing the technological provisions and services available to the inhabitants. 109 cities are ranked according to the following: Health and Safety; Mobility; Activities; Opportunities; and Governance. The Highest Ranking is one (1) and the lowest is 109 while the Highest Rating is AAA and lowest rating is D.

YearSmart City RankingSmart City Rating

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